All the information you need

All the information you need

And some inspiring articles

Sneakersschool is a place where you will learn to make handmade sneakers under the guidance of master shoemaker Roel van Hoff. Because the course is held in a very small group, everybody will be getting the right support. Also because of the small number of participants, the students  can learn from each other, help eachother out and share creative ideas. Courses are given in English and Dutch

Get inspired by our articles

  • A Treasure Trove for Sneaker Enthusiasts

    Nestled beneath the studio of The Sneakersschool lies a hidden gem for aspiring sneaker designers and enthusiasts alike: [...]

  • When two hearts unite, it’s a moment to cherish

    When two hearts unite, it's a moment to cherish. And when that moment is celebrated with a pair of custom bespoke Nike A [...]

  • Reusing Deconstructed Sneakers at Sneakersschool

    At Sneakersschool, we believe in the power of creativity and sustainability. Our courses are designed to teach students [...]

Shoemaking course

In this course of shoemaking, you will learn how to deconstruct sneakers and then create a whole new pair of sneakers. With the techniques that you will learn in this course, including the course book you will receive, you will have all the information and knowledge you need to continue making handmade sneakers yourself.

Tools and materials

All necessary materials, including donor sneakers, fabric, and other essential supplies, are provided as part of this course. The tools provided for are included as part of the instructional resources. Should you choose to continue crafting handmade sneakers after completing the course, we offer tools and materials for purchase in our shop.

Student Stories
  • I am very enthusiastic about the 5-day training I followed at Sneakersschool. A very relaxed and calm atmosphere. Roel takes all the time to explain the different techniques that are used to finally get a good result. A proud feeling dominates after this course, while I certainly still have many point to improve my skills. Gained a lot of inspiration and energy to continue with this. Thank you @roelvanhoff for this fantastic experience!

    - Janneke

    From The Netherlands